Customer Testimonials

Sukhada Indulkar, Owner - RV SwastGeneric Medicine Store, Goregaon

Sukhada Indulkar started a generic pharmaceutical store in Goregaon in 2018. The purpose was to provide people with medicines at a lower cost. Since generic medicines were not readily available in the region at that time, she started RV SwastGeneric Medicine Store. With growing demand for generic medicines, she wanted to expand their business for which they needed funds. When she approached SBFC, our team supported her with the required capital quickly. As a result, she was able to maintain the desired inventory levels and establish partnerships with various companies.

Pintu Kumar, Owner - Pintu Dryfruits & Kirana Store, Patna

Pintu Kumar, a fierce, strong and motivated person came to Patna, Bihar with just 23000 Rs in his pockets to open his own store. In the year 2001, he finally opened his own store, Pintu Dry fruits and Kirana store on rent. In 2005, his situation turned around and he was in a major financial crisis. He managed to take a 50000 Rs loan that would help him in this crisis and his business has been better ever since. Slowly and steadily he managed to turn things around and managed to purchase his own shop. He now has his own shop and not a rented one. With the growing demand of his customers he needed more funds and approached SBFC. Our team supported him with the required capital instantly. As a result, he was able to maintain his inventory and serve his customers. He is now an owner of a shop and 5 story building.

Mr. Sriram Chandra Shekhar, Owner - Swapna Silks, Warangal

Mr. Sriram Chandra Shekhar, hailing from Warangal, Telangana started his career as a tailor. Frequent requests for lining and matching cloth from his customers gave him an idea to open his own store. In 2003, Swapna Silks was started, and Sarees and kids wear were the hot sellers. With the growing demand of his customers, he needed more funds and approached SBFC. Our team supported him with the required capital instantly. He is now able to carter to all of his customers clothing requests. Mr. Shekhar now wishes to see his shop as the number 1 shop in the whole of Warangal.


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